Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Hitchhikers Anticipation

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So we are all anticipating the new movie The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, based off the top selling novel from Douglas Adams. I know i am re-reading the book before it is release in thaters. But the answer that we all want to know is will the movie stand up to the book? We have all seen movies based on novels, so what does this movie have to offer?’s Drew McWeeny stated on Attack of the Show that "although hardcore Hitchhiker’s fans will inevitably face some disappointment, he liked what he saw" So for the most part, if you read the book, which is prolly recomended before attempting to see this movie, then you will love the movie, although it doesn't stand up to the book's expectations, which is predicted from a movie adaptation of the book. I know that i am definately going to see this movie when released on April 29th.