Sunday, July 22, 2007

Anual Facelift: CC soon upon us

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hello? It has been almost a year since I have been here. I felt I needed to explain what has been up: School, Film, Magic Lantern, new house, and still looking for a job. Anyways, on the 28th, I will be heading to San Diego for an extensive amount of fanboys, obese people attempting to cosplay, and new information regarding the media industry as I tackle yet another year at Comic-Con. All my pics from last year's event that used to be on the old photobucket website have been deleted...sadness. Expect new pics from this years event.

P.S. I thought the confused look on Marten represents your own feeling for the absence of content on this page... hehehe I'm just making myself feel bad now
-new photos, along with old ones from the photobucket, will be put up shortly on flickr...yay