Friday, September 08, 2006

Weekly Tunes: Its like myspace...but not not a tool

So I've started using Last-FM, a music site that tracks the music you listen to, makes a weekly top chart, and tells you of people and other bands you might be interested in. Every week now, I will post my weekly top picks. A social website for music, who would've thunk it!

Friday, August 25, 2006


This blog is now linked to my facebook for all you college whores that dare not myspace it up

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Textamerica EP!

Zach is now famous on TA. I guess one of the Comic-con pics I posted made editor's pick.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Welcome to Anime Vegas mmmmmYeeeaaass!

Whats going on at Anime Vegas, I think the cast of College University sums it up quite well.


I make youtube work

Finally: Comic Pics Part 1

So after internet, computer, and roomate problems, I have finally posted the images from SDCC. If you care to look at the I recomend you go HERE.

Also check out our friends at the White Ninja and questionable content booth.


All these videos are also on youtube, I just use photobucket because it doesn't excede the blog window.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

About Time : Hooray for Higher Education

Tonight, I will upload the pics from Comic-con, its only been three weeks...


For my Writing 2 class, I will be posting things required for my grade...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Return

So I just got back from the con. I'm extremely tired right now, so ill give you all the info tomorrow...
Until then...

Returned to SB where I do not have internet, must wait a little longer.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Con Chronicles:The Uprising of Media Fandom

With Comic-con coming up, the first stop this year, I feel that we need a better log in this journey to meet celebrities, find out upcoming events about media and games, and of course the FREE SWAG. With a new year comes new people on this quest. So stay tuned for con updates, information, and more of Danny getting owned. I composed a list of cons, most of which we will most likely not go to, but will be kept updated on for info.

J00 N00bl3t: 5 More Days

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For all of you who don't know, the 4th volume of Megatokyo has been released. Also Comic-con is only 5 days away. I have yet to pick up this new volume because I plan to buy it at the con where Piro himself will be there. So with less than a week to go, I recommend you stop buying all that hentai and other fanboy paraphernalia and save up your gas money for San Diego.

Friday, July 14, 2006

TFC----> TF2

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Once upon a time there was a game called Team Fortress Classic that was overshadowed by a little game called Counterstike. Anyways Team Fortress 2 is coming out on the PS3 and XBOX 360. That's cool and all, however they gave it a new look, which I can't really say is good or bad. We shall see.

For the Workforce!

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So I got a new job at the DLG dining commons at UCSB. Can't complain, payin the bills!!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Return to Counter Culture in 21 days...Snoogans

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Just a heads up, the release of Kevin Smiths' new movie Clerks 2 comes out in exactly 21 days. For all you wanabe Steve-day fanboys out there, I suggest you go see it.

Movie Hoppin: I have sunburn

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So today I went to the movies to go see Superman Returns. I will say this, it wasn't as good as I expected. If you want to review on the movie, go here. Afterwards we hopped to the next theater to Click. I must say that I wasn't expecting this to be such a good movie. If you haven't seen Click yet, go see it... is really hot here for beach weather...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Countdown to Comic-con

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With summer comes hot weather, slacking off, and Comic-con. With exactly one month from today till we walk miles upon miles through many exhibitors I realize I'm poor. I am in dire need for money. The good news is that Fred Gallagher, known as Piro from the web comic Megatokyo, as well as Seraphim will be making their appearance in San Diego. We shall see if this year will be better than the last.

You Must be Bored: ranting, racism, and anime

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Do you spend pointless hours on WOW? Do you believe in the dying culture known as the RPG? Do you understand such words as 愚か and 日本 (must have language pack) because you watch to much anime. Come check out THIS place to visit an old firend, where hating people and ranting about it is accepted.

For those who havent seen

Monday, June 19, 2006

Summer is here: I'm not Tom Cruise

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For some, its the beginning of the greatest summer ever. For me, its just one week to spend in this wonderful town of Lancaster. So lets recap:

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Besides struggling through finals, witnessing a bunch of people getting stupid, hyphy, and drunk on the last day was quite entertaining (yes I just used black slang). After returning to this tumbleweed town, what's the first thing you do? Why you go to Frys of course, and end the night off with a little Wolfgang Puck at City Walk. Yes so im here for six more days people, so call, IM, yell, whatever the way, if you are in Lancaster...

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Just to clear things up. The person in the picture is me. The person in the magazine that I am holding is a little crazy scientologist I like to call Tom Cruise. If there is any confusion please notify me so I can clear things up

Saturday, June 17, 2006

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Ph34r teh lollercaust!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Favorite Map!

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ELement TD survivor is my new favorite map on Warcraft III FT. Everyone should check it out, better than DOTA.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I hate people

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The other day on the campus of UCSB was a protest/awareness-type thing on abortions. I tried not to speak to these small individuals, however was tempted to read their big ass signs. They spoke of how abortions were of that of a genocide. I really wanted to stab these people in the throat for speaking this rhetoric. Just another reason I hate people; just another reason I hate conservatives especially.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hoooray for discrimnation

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After returning from dinner today, we were asked to do this program which, unknowingly, was about discrimination, similar to Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Exercise. It was quite amusing, until they opened it to discussion, where there were ranting people exoressing their life story to the public, where at least I did not want to here. It was as well irritating to listen to a bunch of people talk about this topic when this school's majority is white. So yeah... if your comming back from dinner and an RA tells you to participate in something that should only take 10-15 minutes...don't.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

New Thrusday Album

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"A City By The Light Divided," Thursday's new CD just came out and it is quite good. Check this one out.

Tired...Need more games!

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As a week past since LA's biggest gaming convention came to a close, the need for games in my life suddenly increased. Im bored. Nothing to do. If you were expecting more out of this, Im sorry. Other than that, I just finished watching Grandma's Boy and I must say it was quite amusing. Geeky and sarcastic humor was hit right on the spot in this flick. I did love the random appearances of jinx hackware thrown in as well. Other than that, keep gaming, Ill keep posting.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


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A must watch for all, enjoy.