Friday, August 25, 2006


This blog is now linked to my facebook for all you college whores that dare not myspace it up

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Textamerica EP!

Zach is now famous on TA. I guess one of the Comic-con pics I posted made editor's pick.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Welcome to Anime Vegas mmmmmYeeeaaass!

Whats going on at Anime Vegas, I think the cast of College University sums it up quite well.


I make youtube work

Finally: Comic Pics Part 1

So after internet, computer, and roomate problems, I have finally posted the images from SDCC. If you care to look at the I recomend you go HERE.

Also check out our friends at the White Ninja and questionable content booth.


All these videos are also on youtube, I just use photobucket because it doesn't excede the blog window.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

About Time : Hooray for Higher Education

Tonight, I will upload the pics from Comic-con, its only been three weeks...


For my Writing 2 class, I will be posting things required for my grade...