Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Return

So I just got back from the con. I'm extremely tired right now, so ill give you all the info tomorrow...
Until then...

Returned to SB where I do not have internet, must wait a little longer.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Con Chronicles:The Uprising of Media Fandom

With Comic-con coming up, the first stop this year, I feel that we need a better log in this journey to meet celebrities, find out upcoming events about media and games, and of course the FREE SWAG. With a new year comes new people on this quest. So stay tuned for con updates, information, and more of Danny getting owned. I composed a list of cons, most of which we will most likely not go to, but will be kept updated on for info.

J00 N00bl3t: 5 More Days

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For all of you who don't know, the 4th volume of Megatokyo has been released. Also Comic-con is only 5 days away. I have yet to pick up this new volume because I plan to buy it at the con where Piro himself will be there. So with less than a week to go, I recommend you stop buying all that hentai and other fanboy paraphernalia and save up your gas money for San Diego.

Friday, July 14, 2006

TFC----> TF2

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Once upon a time there was a game called Team Fortress Classic that was overshadowed by a little game called Counterstike. Anyways Team Fortress 2 is coming out on the PS3 and XBOX 360. That's cool and all, however they gave it a new look, which I can't really say is good or bad. We shall see.

For the Workforce!

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So I got a new job at the DLG dining commons at UCSB. Can't complain, payin the bills!!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Return to Counter Culture in 21 days...Snoogans

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Just a heads up, the release of Kevin Smiths' new movie Clerks 2 comes out in exactly 21 days. For all you wanabe Steve-day fanboys out there, I suggest you go see it.

Movie Hoppin: I have sunburn

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So today I went to the movies to go see Superman Returns. I will say this, it wasn't as good as I expected. If you want to review on the movie, go here. Afterwards we hopped to the next theater to Click. I must say that I wasn't expecting this to be such a good movie. If you haven't seen Click yet, go see it... is really hot here for beach weather...