Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Favorite Map!

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ELement TD survivor is my new favorite map on Warcraft III FT. Everyone should check it out, better than DOTA.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I hate people

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The other day on the campus of UCSB was a protest/awareness-type thing on abortions. I tried not to speak to these small individuals, however was tempted to read their big ass signs. They spoke of how abortions were of that of a genocide. I really wanted to stab these people in the throat for speaking this rhetoric. Just another reason I hate people; just another reason I hate conservatives especially.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hoooray for discrimnation

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After returning from dinner today, we were asked to do this program which, unknowingly, was about discrimination, similar to Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Exercise. It was quite amusing, until they opened it to discussion, where there were ranting people exoressing their life story to the public, where at least I did not want to here. It was as well irritating to listen to a bunch of people talk about this topic when this school's majority is white. So yeah... if your comming back from dinner and an RA tells you to participate in something that should only take 10-15 minutes...don't.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

New Thrusday Album

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"A City By The Light Divided," Thursday's new CD just came out and it is quite good. Check this one out.

Tired...Need more games!

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As a week past since LA's biggest gaming convention came to a close, the need for games in my life suddenly increased. Im bored. Nothing to do. If you were expecting more out of this, Im sorry. Other than that, I just finished watching Grandma's Boy and I must say it was quite amusing. Geeky and sarcastic humor was hit right on the spot in this flick. I did love the random appearances of jinx hackware thrown in as well. Other than that, keep gaming, Ill keep posting.